Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Heart of Gold

Heart of Gold

Our Father has a heart of gold.
The abundant blessings that He pours out to us, His children, are sometimes overwhelming!
And I love it!
I'm so very grateful for all that He does.

My thoughts today are about His heart and how it relates to the Body of Christ.
I have two specific trains of thought on the matter.

Let’s begin with scripture.

Colossians; Chapter 1 – verse 18
And he (Jesus) is the Head of the body, the church;

1st Corinthians; Chapter12 – Verses 12 thru 14 

For as the body is one and has many members, and all the  members of the body, even though many, are one body, so also is Christ. For all of us are baptized by one Spirit into one body whether Jews or Arameans, whether bond or free; and we have all received through the one Spirit. The body is not one member, but many.

We can see very clearly from these scriptures that Jesus is the head of the body and that we are it's members.
However, I wish to make mention of the two parts of the body that Paul did not discuss.

Within the center of this body lies the most important member of all.
That member is the heart.
It is the member that causes the blood to flow throughout the entire body.

The heart works 24/7. It does not cease to do its job.
The blood which it pumps thru the body provides nourishment to every single cell.
All life comes from this blood. The ability of each cell to be able to perform and do its job comes from the blood. This blood cleanses each cell and keeps it healthy and pure.
All the power that each cell has comes from the blood.
All cells then work together to bring forth a healthy body.

Every cell is different, no two are alike.  

Some are similar in appearance, but, each is still unique.

The Father is the Heart, Jesus is the Head and the Holy Spirit is the blood. 

All working in perfect harmony to sustain the body. If you take a few minutes to contemplate this, you’ll begin to see the point I’m trying to make.

One other point, that I think is really cool is this! Man shall not live by bread alone, but, by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

This is the food that the body needs to consume daily. Only God's word can provide the food that the body needs in order to be healthy. You have to consume this food every day.
For every day is a new day, and in His Kingdom there is no yesterday or tomorrow.
The body needs to be fed ... daily.

Keep one other thing in mind. 

If the body is not fed, and it does not consume good food ( the Word ) or if the body is being fed food that is not healthy ( processed or unnatural ), it starts to negatively affect the body.

In fact, the body could even arrive at the point of being damaged and disabled due to it's poor diet.

What I am referring to here is this. When we eat the words of other doctrines and teachings of men, it eventually leads to ill-health. See what I mean?
If you do not eat daily the body also begins to shut down.
In fact, the body will eventually die if it does not receive nourishment.

If you’re not being sustained by His Bread on a regular basis, you will fall into infirmity, and yes, perhaps even die.

You need to eat!

1st Corinthians; Chapter 12 – Verses 15 thru 27

For if the foot should say, Because I am not the hand, I am not a part of the body; is it therefore not a member of the body?

And if the ear should say, Because I am not an eye, I am not a part of the body; is it therefore not a member of the body? If the whole body were eyes, where would hearing be? And if  the whole were hearing, where would smelling be? But now God has set every member in the body, as it has pleased him.

If they were all one member, where would the body be? 

But now they are many members, yet but one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you. Nor can the head say to the feet, I have no need of you. But rather those members of the body which we think to be less honorable we bestow more abundant honor; and the parts that are uncomely we dress with greater care. For our comely parts have no need for attention. 

But God has so tempered the body together, and has given greater honor to the member which is inferior. That there may be no discord in the body, but that they may care one for another, all members should be equal. So when one member is in pain, all the members suffer with it; and if one member is honored, all the members will glory with it. 
Now you are the body of Christ and members in your respective places.

Each one of us has a duty to find out from God what our respective place is in the body of Christ.

You need to ask.
And the Father will show you. 
Whatever He assigns to you, accept His will.

As a young Christian, I always held high expectations of what my life would be like.
I wanted to be a great evangelist.
I wanted to be a great preacher.
I wanted to be a healer!

On and on I would go!
I had strong, captivating desires encouraged by the winds of a vivid imagination.
However, the Father had a very different plan for me.
Yet His plans are far more wonderful than anything that we can conjure.

As time went on, I learned that this was not the place in the body where the Father wanted me.

I learned to accept the position that was assigned to me.

Like millions of other brothers and sisters, I am a cell.
I don’t have the gift of being an evangelist. I don’t have the gift of preaching. I don’t have the gift of healing. And I’ve learned not to be led by my will. Father and Lord, by Your will, I shall abide.
I am a member of your body, and that is good enough.

I will do as You instruct me.
 I love being a cell!

I see the working of the body every day.
I pray for the unsaved and they become saved.
I get to share the gospel as the Lord directs. I see healings take place all the time (not so much in a physical sense, but spiritual). I see miracles that our Lord performs.
I have been blessed with a business. I have the chance to bless others every day.
I’m in war with the enemy 24/7, fighting to establish the Kingdom of God.

I am a light in this dark world. 
One that is shining brightly! HIS Glorious blood flows through me daily.
Yes, I am indeed a member of this body! All glory to the Father and Lord.
As He is, so am I!

Recently, I have had the chance to spend some time with Tom and Sarah Ahava Fischer.
(I’m sure most of you know them). They are hands and mouths in this body of Christ.

When Tom Fischer touches people with his hand, the power of God flows out.
In fact, Tom just touches people with the finger of his hand and they receive power! When he prays for people, things happen.

I see the Father working uniquely through both of them. They have been blessed with full time service, 24/7.

They feed the poor and homeless, they visit those incarcerated in prison. The fruits they bear are for all to partake of and consume. I get to talk with and learn from both of them. I have the chance to pray with them. I have the privilege of praying for both of them. I have great fellowship with them both.

As a member of the body, I am coming into perfect harmony with them both.
When they are in their glory, so am I. When they struggle, so do I.

I see the perfect harmony of the body and nothing less. As we are told, be perfect, even as your Father in Heaven.
Please keep Tom and Sarah in your prayers daily, they need us just as much as we need them.

I really appreciate the chance to share this message with all my brothers and sisters everywhere.
I encourage each of you to find your respective place in the Body. Each one of us has a part in bringing forth the will of our Father and Lord.
Some of us will be seen, and most will not.

However small your part might be, please remember this.

The Head needs you in order to successfully function. With every member in activity, the blood will flow, the heart will keep pumping.

Again I say  - Our Father has a Heart of Gold!

Your brother,

The following extract is taken from NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC -

" The heart is the body's engine room, responsible for pumping life-sustaining blood via a 60,000-mile-long (97,000-kilometer-long) network of vessels. The organ works ceaselessly, beating 100,000 times a day, 40 million times a year—in total clocking up three billion heartbeats over an average lifetime. It keeps the body freshly supplied with oxygen and nutrients, while clearing away harmful waste matter.
About the size of its owner's clenched fist, the organ sits in the middle of the chest, behind the breastbone and between the lungs, in a moistened chamber that is protected all round by the rib cage. It's made up of a special kind of muscle (cardiac muscle) that works involuntarily, so we don't have to think about it. 
The heart speeds up or slow downs automatically in response to nerve signals from the brain that tell it how much the body is being exerted. Normally the heart contracts and relaxes between 70 and 80 times per minute, each heartbeat filling the four chambers inside with a fresh round of blood.
Since the heart lies at the center of the blood delivery system, it is also central to life. 
Blood both supplies oxygen from the lungs to the other organs and tissues and removes carbon dioxide to the lungs, where the gas is breathed out. 
Blood also distributes nourishment from the digestive system and hormones from glands. 
Likewise our immune system cells travel in the bloodstream, seeking out infection, and blood takes the body's waste products to the kidneys and liver to be sorted out and trashed."


  1. Thank you Greg. Good analogies help the body of Christ to recognize how the natural is the platform for the spiritual. Also, when ministers promote a particular type of ministry as if it's the only one or main one, they set a poor example of teaching the diversity of God's grace to mankind. Ministers need to teach in a way that helps each member of the body to figure out where they belong and what God has for them in ministry. Much of this discernment comes from maturity. I thank the Lord that you have been a believer for many years and so that maturity helps people.

  2. Great revelation and very encouraging!
