Thursday, June 11, 2015

Be wise as serpents and pure as doves

Matthew 10:16: Behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves: therefore be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.                 

As Disciples of Christ, one of the most difficult tasks that we have is to bring the Gospel of Christ to the gay community. 

Of all the spirits we have to contend with on a daily basis, the spirit of homosexuality is one spirit that is both exceptionally strong and cunning.  

It's deceit and lies have been masked in a shroud of love. 

Yes, I say LOVE. 

This spirit knows all about 'love' and how to use it effectively for it's agenda. It convinces men and women that it’s ok to be in love with members of the same sex.

It uses feelings and emotions to win over these individuals. 

It speaks of love being tied to acceptance of all practises and choices.

This spirit masquerades itself as an angel of light. 

It also tells them that God himself has no problem with what they're choosing to do.

Just like Satan did in the very beginning.

It lies and lies over and over again. 

This spirit will do whatever it takes to keep a person trapped in bondage of the flesh. 

It will sit on a person’s shoulder and whisper in their ear until he or she eventually accepts that it is indeed ok to have intimacy with a person of the same gender. 

However, once this person crosses this line and commits this act, it’s all over. 

This is the point where they are now truly occupied by this spirit, or in other words, possessed.   

[ By this stage, the only authority that can set them free is Jesus. ] 

Let me give you an example of the extent of this great deception and lie over society.

First, let me begin with a simple introduction.

I am a member of the human race. 
I go to church every Sunday. I say my prayers to God daily. 
I live a good life and always try to reach out and help whenever I can. I donate to the poor and volunteer for many groups.

 I believe that what you sow is what you reap. 

My partner and I do not ever cause harm to anyone. 
We believe we all have the freedom of choice. We believe that all should love one another and strive to live peaceful lives. 

We hate evil and the evil things that people do to one another. Overall, my partner and I are not evil, we have good hearts. 

We are doing our best to do the right thing as we see fit. 
This is who we are. 

As you can see, my brothers and sisters, this bears weight.

With a very loving and humble spirit, we begin to tell those accosted by a homosexual spirit about Jesus. 

We tell them that what they have learned & perceived is incorrect and not true. 

With all our heart we love them; and we tell them just how much God loves them and accepts them for who they are. 

We tell them how we are all sinners and need to repent. We tell them that unless you repent you will be lost to eternal condemnation. 

You have to change your lifestyle; your lifestyle is not acceptable in the Kingdom of God. Jesus is the only way to enter the Kingdom of God, my friend, you have been deceived. 

Everything I’m telling you is written in the Bible, these are not my words I speak to you, but, the words of God himself. 

Your soul will be lost forever to the evil one if you do not repent and accept Jesus as Lord and savior.

At this point in time the gay spirit responds in a very familiar pattern that we have often heard from the gay community.

" It sounds to me like your judging me.
 Doesn’t the Bible also say that you’re to judge no one? 
Why are you judging me?
Doesn’t the Bible say also that he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone?
 I feel like your stoning me! 
 I have also read in the word that we’re to be at peace with everyone and that we’re to love one another. 
It sounds to me that you’re the one who is interpreting the Bible wrongly.
You think your interpretation of the Bible is correct and mine is not? 
What makes you think your right and I’m not? 
I’m not going to argue with you anymore. 

You have your belief and I have mine. 
I’m a very loving person and choose to be at peace with all men and not cause division and strife as you are doing. 
The Bible I read says that God loves us all and we’re to do the same for each other. 
How dare you say that I’m going to eternal damnation for my actions! 
You’re no different than me, now get away from me and quit judging me; you’re the one who is evil here, not me. 

How dare you!"

At this point in time we begin to realize that the wall has now been built. 

Our words have done nothing to change this person's mind. 
In fact, this approach has been destructive.
On top of that, they now believe that we are evil and deceived.

Every word we have spoken to them was truth and full of love. 
At least that's how we see it! 

According to the Word if they don’t listen to the gospel of Christ and repent, then we are to dust off our shoes and move on.

Paul makes the following statement in Romans 1:28 – And as they did not consent in themselves to know God, God has given them over to a weak mind (reprobate) to do the things which should not be done. 

Not only has the enemy deceived this person, this person has now been given over to a weak mind! 

By God himself!

We justify our actions with this person as correct based on the word of God. We feel sorry for this person and add them to our prayer list that God will send the spirit of truth to them and convict them in their hearts and save them. 

We know they're deceived by this gay spirit and the only person who can change this perception is the Holy Spirit. 

We pray and pray, the years go by and nothing changes. 

We can no longer approach this person due to the wall that has gone up.

The gay spirit has built an impenetrable wall along with the decree of God himself.  The gay spirit has used the word of God to establish itself in this person’s life and not only that, it has arranged many same-sex relationships that are full of "love" and emotion. 

This gay spirit is very deceitful and full of many lies. 

It's power is overwhelming. The latest poll released by the news media (not that I trust them) indicates that 65% of Americans now believe that it’s ok to be gay. 


What a change that has taken place in the last 30 years! I’m sure that this change is worldwide and not just here in America. 

Every evil spirit and the powers of darkness is rising against the Kingdom of God. 
They have one goal, destroy everyone! 
They don’t care how they do it, they just do it. 
That’s all they know. 

They have built what appears to be an impenetrable wall around the gay community. 

They know that God himself has given them over to a reprobate mind. They have achieved victory and oh how happy they are! 

I beg to differ; Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.      
Our speaking the truth has only caused division and judgement. 
We’ve been labeled has hatemongers. 
We’re frustrated because we know in our hearts that we’re not. 
Yet we have an earnest desire to release God's original design and encourage a life of holiness.
All we want is for everyone to come to know our precious Lord and Savior. 
We Love everyone!  
 We only speak the truth based on the word of God. 
It is the word of God that is sovereign and passes judgement upon all mankind, not us!

Jesus declared to the world that he came here not to judge the world, but to save the world from its sin and destroy the works of the Satan. 

He declared that He came here to give up his life for us. Jesus also declared that there was no greater love than giving up your life for another. 

The Bible says very clearly that you can have all the spiritual gifts that our Father gives to body of Christ, but, if you have not love you have nothing. Faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love.

The third commandment that Jesus gave to us and said was to love one another. Love one another, this means everyone.

Ok, are you ready now to go to war? 

Are you ready to launch an attack against this enemy and penetrate this wall that has been built around the gay community? 

Are you ready to go after this one lost sheep and willing to sacrifice your own life in an effort to do so? 

 In reality, there’s a whole flock of sheep surrounded by this wall that the enemy has built.

For years I’ve been seeking and praying for this. 
So how do we do this Lord? 

We’ve done everything according to your word with very minor success. (Yet God’s word that we speak never comes back void.) Surely there must be something we’re missing? 

There has to be another way to break down this wall!

About 4 weeks ago, during my morning meditations, I received an answer.
I believe this to be the true way to approach this.
I will share this way with you.

You can decide for yourselves if the words I speak are mine or those of the Father and Lord. 
I give all this glory to our Father and Lord.
Wise as serpents and gentle as doves, this is where we start as a true child of our Father and servant of our Lord.

First and foremost, be gentle as a dove. 

You have to forgive this person for not heeding the words of truth that you have spoken to them.

Bearing that this is not about holding on to offense, but about getting a soul saved.

Jesus said hanging on the cross just before his death, 

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” 

It’s not their fault. 

They were born into sin. They were overcome by the evil one and took leave of good common sense that they were born with. The enemy deceived them. The enemy stalked them and devoured them. After that God gave them over to a reprobate mind. 

You have to forgive them. 
True love really forgives. 
True love sees what’s really behind it all. 

Jesus knew who was behind it all, that’s why he spoke the words “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Second, we need to go to war and be wise as serpents. 

Serpents are very cunning and patient creatures.

They lie in wait and only when they see the right moment so they strike out at the victim they have been stalking.   

Yet all serpents are not the same. 
Some are much more powerful and deadlier than others. 

This serpent we are dealing with that holds the gay community in its grasp is very powerful.
I liken it to the anaconda, the largest and most powerful snake known to mankind.      

Knowing the ways of the enemy, we have to formulate a battle plan. 

The warfare we are in is one that can only be accomplished by entering the spiritual realm. 

Only one that is truly walking in the Spirit can enter this realm. If you don’t know how to walk in the Spirit, then you will not only be defeated but greatly wounded. 

Abundant prayer and fasting is required. 

Daily you have to enter the life of prayer. 

You have to constantly learn what it means to be praying without ceasing. You have to realize that you’re no longer of this world. You have to understand that the Kingdom of God is within you and is not that pie in the sky! 

You are a new creature in Christ. 

You are one with the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. You have to realize that it is Christ within you that brings forth the Fathers will for all. You have to realize that you are one with the Body of Christ. 

You have to understand that all things are possible to him that believes. 
You have to bind the enemy and his kingdom every day.  

This Earth is his kingdom and he has dominion over it. You disagree? Look around you, it’s everywhere. 
 We are here for one reason only, and that reason is to help bring forth the Fathers will. 
Our Fathers will is that all should be saved!
Jesus has the same will! 
The Holy Spirit has the same will! 
They are one! 
They Love everyone! 

This spiritual attack that you now launch against the enemy will cause him to retaliate by launching an attack against you. 

He will try to bring you down. He will try to bring things into your life to interrupt you and distract you. He will make you feel tired and discouraged. He will bring evil thoughts to your mind. 
He will give you evil dreams. He will masquerade himself as an angel of light. 

He will do whatever it takes to stop you from praying and fasting. 

He knows that Gods will needs to be accomplished through his children. He knows that’s how God works. 

You need to realize this and always remember these tactics. You cannot become passive in this war. If you take a passive attitude you will be defeated. You will be wounded. 

The prayer life is where half this battle for a person’s soul is to be fought, we’re not done yet.          

Now we have to learn how to overcome the desires of the flesh that has this person bound. 

The flesh is just as real as the spiritual and has great power. 

Yes, the war is half won, now let’s follow through and learn how to win this war all the way through to complete victory for this person’s soul. 

We have to find the crack in the wall that our prayers have created. We have to now attack the human nature and blow a gaping hole in this wall. Behind this wall is pure darkness. We need to put a hole in this wall that the light can shine through. 

As soon as this person sees the light in the darkness, they will see hope. Some will jump through this hole immediately, others will need more time. They will come to the light. 
They will come to you. 
The Father will draw them, patience is required now ... patience. 

So how do we put this hole in the wall? 

If you do not attack the enemy you will not gain ground. 
The enemy is relentless in his attacks against the human race; we need to be just as aggressive. We have been given the greatest weapon of all weapons to defeat the enemy. His name is Jesus and the weapon he chose was love.

Love is the weapon of choice. 
God is love and love is God. 

Overcome evil with good. 
Love is all good and there is no evil found in true love. 
True love does not judge. 
True love is kind. 
True love makes peace with all. 
True love does not cause division and strife. 
True love is long-suffering. 
True love is always hopeful. 
True love does not seek its own, it always denies itself. 
True love always speaks the truth. 
True love is compassionate. 
True love will offer up its own life for the sake of another. 
True love is patient! 
Patience, patience, patience.
Move in Gods time, not yours. 

This is what it means to be as gentle as a dove.

We overwhelm this person with true love. 

We call them and speak words of kindness to them. 
We invite them over for dinner. 
We reach out to them and see if they need anything. 
We go to the movies with them. 
We offer to help them fix up the house or ask if they need help mowing their lawn. Perhaps their car needs washing ?
Ask them if they need prayer for anything. 
Someway or somehow you have to win their hearts. 

Be creative, be wise, be gentle, be patient.

One day, they will begin to trust you. 
(This is the crack in the wall, that you have been waiting for ... that is now beginning to open up.) 

They will see that you are not there to judge them or condemn them. 

They will call you a friend. 

They will begin to realize that you are a very loving person and someone that can be counted on. 

They will see that you are always at peace with everyone. 
They will call you a peacemaker. 
They will see that you are levelheaded. 
They will see that you are willing to always help them in their time of need. 

Someday, they will give you their heart. 

Finally you have won their heart. 
They are beginning to see the light in you. 

The crack is enlarging, a clear hole is forming in the wall, and light is beginning to shine through. 
The light will illuminate the darkness. 
Slowly but surely, the light will overcome the darkness. 


The Holy Spirit will offer up the right time for this person to step from the darkness into the light. 

That is not your job. 

Your job is to let your light shine for the entire world to see. 

The Father and Lord will draw this person to the light. Jesus will be there at just the right moment to save them. Jesus saved us in the same way, at just the right moment he reached out and saved us. 

We saw the light! 
We stepped into the light. 
We chose to walk to the light. 
You are the light! 

Remember brothers and sisters, you are in a war for the salvation of the souls of the human race. 

We have to be wise as serpents and pure as doves. 
It is through you that others are led to the light. 

Choose your weapons wisely before attacking the enemy. 

I strongly advise that you have a brother or sister team up with you in attacking the enemy.  

There is power in numbers as we all know. 

You are not a lone warrior in this battle. 

You have brothers and sisters who will help you. The angels themselves will be dispatched by the Father himself to strengthen you. 

Be wise!
As a brother in Christ, I have always sought confirmation from the Holy Spirit. 

Similarly with every message that I bring to the Body of Christ, I look for a confirmation to affirm that it is indeed true and correct. 

On the very day I chose to share this message with Tom Fischer & Ahava Sarah Fisher, the Lord blessed us all with a confirmation. This approach of winning a soul from the gay community to Christ is truly from the Lord. 

I will share the link with you to this very testimony given by Ahava Sarah herself. 

Follow this link -

In no way am I saying for you to compromise the truth. 

All I’m asking you to consider is that surely this is another way to win a soul to Christ. 

In reality, perhaps this is the approach we should be using at all times.

No judgement, no condemnation, only pure Love.

If you truly believe that the words I share with you today are from our Father and Lord, then I have one request from you.

Make this message go viral with all the brothers and sisters throughout the whole world, share it, don’t sit on it and hide it under a basket. 

Let the light shine!

I appreciate your time. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me.

All Glory to our Father and Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,
Greg Layton